Lifecasting is a technique that has been practiced since ancient times. The earliest discovered pieces of 3-D lifecast artifacts date to approximately 8,000BC! It has been used as an art form throughout history and was particularly used to preserve the lifeforms of kings and rulers. Lifecasting is the process of creating a three-dimensional copy of a living human body, through the use of molding and casting techniques. The most common lifecasts are of torsos, pregnant bellies, hands, feet and faces.
What to expect
The process is very straightforward. First the model is prepared. Depending on the body part to be cast a thin layer of a release agent, like petroleum jelly, is applied. Then the pose is fixed, models will have to hold this pose for approximately 25 minutes. A skin friendly molding material is then applied and reinforced. The mold sets quickly and then can be removed. The model is free to go and the caster sets about preparing the mold before finally casting it in plaster. The plaster cast can take several weeks to dry and finish.
3-D Lifecasts make beautiful keepsakes and gifts. Preserve memories of babies, families, weddings, anniversaries forever with a unique, personal 3-D art piece.